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четверг, 10 декабря 2009 г.

For the Companies, Entrepreneurs and Businessmen of Turkmenistan, and also Foreign Business-Partners of Turkmenistan.

English version.

Dear Sirs,

Command TURKMENBUSINESS welcomes you.

Allow to offer you cooperation.

Our command will assist for more effective promotion of your goods and services on the market of Turkmenistan and if it is necessary and for limits of Turkmenistan.

What can We offer?

1. To create with your name special page on our site where we shall establish your trade mark, 2-3 photos, the basic information on your goods and services, and also the form of a feedback: from this page our visitors can send the message on your e-mail!

2. To untwist your site or a homepage, your goods and services in a network the Internet. The special program is developed for this purpose at us.


3. If at you are not present while a site we can create and publish to you it on the Internet. Call or send by e-mail your inquiry. We shall agree about a meeting and we shall discuss design, the prices and all rest. On your choice: the publication on a paid or free-of-charge hosting. Sites can be made such: Information, the Internet-show-window, the Internet-shop, the Internet-visit-card, static or dynamical (interactive), with news blogs and RSS, an opportunity to subscribe for your news, etc.


By the way, if you will order creation of a site in us specified in items 1 and 2 – it is free-of-charge.

We have other offers on cooperation.

Probably, that you can have various questions, ask to set them by e-mail or by phone in Ashgabat  (99366) 083210.

We invite to enter Community of entrepreneurs and businessmen of Turkmenistan.


News of community are in addition published on a corporate site and


We with pleasure shall consider your offers on cooperation.

We thank, that have wasted time on perusal of this letter.

Sincerely yours,

Administration of command TURKMENBUSINESS

E-mail’s: ashgabat-turkmenistan@rambler.ru



The message can be sent from this page



Web’s:   http://turkmenbusiness.info 




Phones in Ashkhabad  (99366) 083210, (99312) 32-77-87

And still interesting!!!

We declare the new ACTION! To everyone who will take advantage of our services till December, 31st, 2009 will receive as a gift 3 very interesting and instructive electronic books (in Russian), and also we shall absolutely free of charge create a site-satellite to your site. What is such? Details at a meeting. Write, call.


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