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вторник, 15 января 2013 г.


My name is Brad Lawson. I am the secretary to an independent external auditor representing the World Bank's Debt Management Offices in Europe, Asia and America.
I have on my table an abandoned payment file containing your details. The file shows that you have correctly made an application to have the fund released to you.
It is also clearly noted on the file that the beneficiary could not handle the financial commitment required. From our Investigations, your payment process was misappropriated. Due to this, the funds were pegged and abandoned.
The World Bank is closing its payment window at the end of next month and any
pending payment would have to be till the beginning of april. It lieu of this, I have been instructed to reach you so that your payment can be released on time.
These funds are ready to be processed and transferred to you within the
next 24-48hrs. Upon your response to this email reconfirming your contact details, I shall give you further directives.

Kindly reconfirm your contact details list below.

* FAX:

Mr Brad Lawson
Email : bradlawson@goldenpower.net

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